
My name is Iso Rabins, Im the founder of a few projects in the food/comunity/foraging world. ForageSF, Forage Kitchen, The Underground Market.

I've started three projects recently that I just don't have the bandwidth for, so I am looking for hungry entrepreneurs out there interested in taking them on. You would be responsible for taking these to the next level, both operationally and financially, and would vest into majority ownership for taking the lead. They are at various stages of development, but all are ready to take off with the right leadership. They’re great projects that people have shown a lot of interest in, I just don't have the time to give them what they need. I’ll detail below the support I can offer, but one high point is a twice-yearly email blast to my loyal list of 20K supporters. Companies and details are below, if any of these sound like something you’d like to take on, reach out and we can talk details.


URL: Given.co

This is a platform created to help people with small donations for specific items.

How it works: A member posts a need, say diapers for their newborn for $35. A patron (donating member) sees the post in a weekly email, and donates the money. We then purchase the diapers on Amazon and ship them directly to the member in need. The member gets what they need, the patron gets to help a specific person, and knows their money is going to a good place.

Next steps: The next step for Given is to get members (people who are in need), signed up. So, reaching out to organizations who help these communities is key. My feeling and experience is getting patrons to sign up is more straightforward/easier. For the members, you’ll need to do more leg work/community building.

Profit plan: Currently, Given can make money by charging a percentage on each transaction. Over time, profit could be made by stocking popular products and making the wholesale markup.

Traction: The site, design, and brand voice are solid. We currently have not done any transactions, but have over 200 patrons signed up waiting to donate.

Cost: This is a C-corp so there are yearly taxes of about $1200 currently. Also, there are some minor website hosting costs.

Fridays at Four:

URL: fridaysatfour.co

This is a platform for people to find accountability buddies to help them stay on track with creative projects through weekly calls. We think Fridays at Four is the perfect time. It's a great way for people who work alone to get motivation, and now that everyone's working from home I feel it has an even bigger audience.

How it works: A user signs up by filling out a form detailing what they’re working on. We then connect them with someone who seems like a good fit, either working on a similar project or someone with experience in what they’re working on.

Profit plan: Possibly partnering with products that you offer to members. You could charge a fee for the service, but I'm not sure that's the right way to go.

Traction: This was a bit active a few years ago. With about 20 pairs matched, some of whom are still working together! Website, brand voice, etc. are all worked out.

Cost: Marginal. Site hosting fees, Gsuite, etc.

Circle Space:

URL: circlespaceoak.co

Circle Space offers classes on microdosing psilocybin (mushrooms) to “help you be more you”. We offer several online classes, from microdosing 101 to an 8-week community intensive where people get support on their process. This could expand to other arenas of plant medicine support, and has the opportunity to grow exponentially as the laws around these medicines relax.

How it works: People sign up for classes through our website, and currently, all classes are held on Zoom.

Profit plan: Fees for classes sold

Traction: Circle Space has a customer email list of about 1K subscribers, and 2 teachers that are willing to continue holding classes.

Cost: Marginal. Site hosting fees, Gsuite, etc.

What I can offer: I want to support as I can, but my available time is very limited. I can offer 10 hours to help you get set up/knowledge transferred and then the below on an ongoing basis:

First 6 months: 1-hour meeting per week 1 email campaign to my email list of 20K subscribers to help with customer acquisition 1 interview a month with press (if you are not comfortable talking to reporters)

6-12 months: 1-hour meeting bi-weekly 1 email campaign to my email list of 20K subscribers to help with customer acquisition 1 interview a month with press (if you are not comfortable talking to reporters)

12-24 months 1-hour meeting monthly 1 interview a month with press (if you are not comfortable talking to reporters)